
Three Healthy and Beautiful Babies

Local Nigerian intended parents have chosen New Life India Agency to help them with having children. New Life has assisted in finding surrogate mothers and now they have these three beautiful boys. You can imagine the joy and happiness the parents feel, when after so much struggle and fighting for having a complete family with […]

Donors from South Africa Ready To Help Intended Parents

 IVF Treatment is the process where a healthy female donates her fertilized ovum to another couple. Egg Donation is a process that takes place in phases and needs to be monitored constantly for 2-3 months. The donors are chosen by the intended parents by a long and meticulous process. We have very busy two weeks […]

Hysteroscopy and Successful Pregnancy

New Life India recently got a patient with history of multiple failed trials to get a pregnancy. She had poor endometrial thickness and inability of adhesions. She had had multiple IVF’s in different clinics but all in vain. After coming to our clinic, she got thrice hysteroscopy and hatching blastocyst were transferred with an endometrial […]

First Successful ICSI With Frozen Oocytes and Frozen Sperm

We have succesfully done first intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) with frozen Oocytes and frozen sperm at New Life India IVF clinic. The patient is a 30-year-old nigerian lady. Her pregnancy test is positive and she is due for a USG on 9th May 2014.

Happy Parents’ Letter To Their Egg Donor

IVF treatment is the process that requires a healthy female to donate her healthy and fertilized ovum to the intended parents. Egg donation takes place in a few phases and needs to be meticulously monitored and taken care of. The couple selects their donor with the help of the clinic. The egg donor has to […]

Another successful program for a single parent

Sometimes parents feel so much joy after the birth of their first child that they go for another program immediately. This has hapened to one of our oldest patients. He is a single parent and with the help of New Life India he already had his first child – baby girl – last year. He went for another […]

A Baby Boy Is Born After The Second Trial

A single parent from Australia is blessed with baby boy through New Life India. It was his 2nd trial with us. His friends and family are so happy that they want to spread the word and share his experience at New Life with all of their friends. He is enjoying the parenthood with his blessed […]

Dr. Tyagi at INSTAR Workshop

Dr. Deeksha Tyagi has attended a workshop organized by INSTAR (Indian Society for Third-party Assisted Reproduction) on April 20, 2014 at Radisson Blu New Delhi. She was among the pannellists. The discussion topic was – Insight into the medical, legal, ethical and social aspects of third party assisted reproduction in India.

Another US couple meets their newborn

This couple from U.S had their beautiful baby after only their first trial. They are extremely happy as new parents. For them it was a life changing experience. They really enjoyed the nice attitude and personal care from New Life. This baby has brought an unimaginable joy into their family life and they said many […]

Lebanese Couple Blessed With Twin Boys

This couple from Lebanon hugged their twin baby boys with tears in their eyes. When they arrived to India they literally cried to see their dream come true. Both kids are feeling fine and the parents are beyond happy and greatful to New Life. We congratulate them with this successful program and wish them all […]