Surrogacy Process and Services

New Life Global Network has significant experience in providing outstanding surrogacy service to intended parents from various parts of the world. Since 2008, our team of dedicated and experienced professionals has been administrating surrogacy programs in several countries all over the world. Unfortunately we had to limit our surrogacy service in India, Thailand and Nepal due to unexpected changes in local regulations but currently we are covering almost all surrogacy friendly countries. We are happy to provide our surrogacy service in Georgia, Ukraine, Mexico, South-West Asia and Kenya.

Surrogacy Options

At New Life Global Network we are striving to meet individual needs of our intended parents who come with various backgrounds and requirements. Therefore, we have developed several options of surrogacy programs to choose from:

  • Surrogacy only
  • Surrogacy with Egg Donation (local Egg Donor)
  • Surrogacy with Egg Donation ( International Travelling Egg Donor)
  • Surrogacy with Egg Sharing
  • Two Surrogate Mother Program
  • Two Surrogate Mother Program with Egg Donation
  • Guaranteed Surrogacy Program
  • Surrogacy with Frozen Embryos
  • Surrogacy for HIV positive intended parents
  • Surrogacy with Gender Selection (using PGD)
  • Surrogacy with Egg Donation and Gender Selection ( using PGD)

We are proud to offer our surrogacy service to intended parents regardless of their marital status, sexual orientation or nationality. Each of our branches serves specific needs of our parents and is advised accordingly.
Destinations for Surrogacy and egg donation services are offered and recommended as follows:

  • Married Heterosexual Couples: Georgia, Ukraine, Mexico, India ( for locals)
  • Single Intended Fathers or same sex couples: Mexico, South-West Asia, Kenya
  • HIV Positive Intended Fathers : Mexico
  • Parents willing to use gender selection to prevent some disease or balance their families :
    Mexico, South-West Asia
  • Guaranteed Surrogacy Program with Unlimited Number of IVFs : Ukraine, South-West Asia

Surrogate Mothers

We have a large database of young, healthy and dedicated surrogate mothers who usually undergo a rigorous screening process to be accepted into the program. Each surrogate mother is screened carefully, according to international standards and guidelines. They are screened for infectious disease such as Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Cytomegalovirus and Hepatitis. The mental and physical health of the surrogate mothers is closely monitored at brief intervals as are their habits and regular lifestyle. Smoking, drinking and drug abuse are considered an absolute disqualification.

Our surrogate mothers are between the age of 18-35, mentally healthy, have support from family members, have at least high school education, are willing to take medications via injections, are non-smokers and free from any sexually transmitted disease. Most of them have at least one child of their own with successful past experience in pregnancy.

Coordination of Surrogacy Program

Our team at New Life global network has an in-depth knowledge of surrogacy services. Our coordinators are very resourceful maintaining a regular touch with surrogate mothers who are fully supporting before, during and after pregnancy. Our surrogate mothers get monthly allowance from intended parents for their proper nutrition and care.

It’s worth mentioning that New Life gives a luxury to the parents to have a specially assigned person for their pregnant surrogate mothers and get updates almost daily bases. Pregnancy Care Coordinator is a person arranging the scans, making doctor appointments for the surrogate mothers, giving them the medication and vitamin supplements, educating them about dos and donts during the pregnancy and then evaluating everything and bringing the updates to the parents. We give exceptional opportunities to the parents to ask for Skype calls with the surrogate mothers, we welcome them to arrive and attend the doctor visits with their surrogate mother and actively participate in the process.

Birth Certificates

Legal aspects of obtaining baby birth certificate differ per country of destination and should be discussed with the program coordinator at an early stage of the program to make accurate and fully informed decision.

We understand parent’s feelings while being in the strange country where everything is new and not familiar for them. Therefore, we have a specially assigned team member who looks after the parents even after baby delivery. We help the parents to collect all the papers for the birth certificate to keep the waiting time to minimum, find nanny if they are willing to use any , get in touch with real estate agents who provides them will fully equipped flats for their staying and overall , etc.

We are looking forward to hearing from you and being able to guide through this long but rewarding journey to parenthood. Please e-mail us for all details and steps.