
USA Twin Babies!

New Life Georgia has got a privilege to announce the birth of twin baby boys of US couple. Words can not capture the emotions of the parents. After ten years of trying they have finally celebrated the fulfillment of their most important dream. Also it is worth to mention that it was their first and […]

Twin babies of happy couple from Israel

New Life Georgia is proud to have helped sweet couple from Israel become the happy parents of beautiful twins: a boy and a girl. Now, they are proud parents of three wonderful children. Its worth mentioning, that after this successful story, happy mom decided to join New Life to bring happiness to other parents and […]

One more little angel has arrived!!!

New Life India is very delighted to share the birth of baby girl for one of our Australian parents. The sweet little angle has arrived early morning today and parents are thrilled on her arrival. They just cannot believe that they are holding their bundle of joy in their hands!!! All smilesJ. We would like […]

USA Baby via New Life India!

After eight years of failures and hopes New Life India made another couple’s dream come true. Even though US couple experienced huge disappointments they never felt discouraged always knew one day they would bring the baby home. They were successful at very first attempt and were all smiles once they hold their baby first time. […]

Happy Belgian couple!

2012 began with Belgian new born for New Life Georgia! Our Happy couple received the best possible New Year Gift. They tried IVF in number of Countries but all in vane. They even tried baby adoption in China unsucessfully. Finally they met Mariam in the Hotel in Brussels and with very little hope they decided […]

Australian Baby

While we are waiting for new baby deliveries like we promised, we keep posting about our previous successful parents. Australian couple wished us Very Happy New Year and send us the picture of their cute baby that we could not believe how quickly has grown. We would like to wish them Happy New Year as […]

Portuguese Twin Babies!

New Life Georgia is very proud that during last four years so many babies were born through our help. Unfortunately we did not use the opportunity to share successful parents’ photos and stories with you , as we only started blogging the news just couple of months ago. We recently came across the photo of […]

Italian Twins!

It seems like this Italian couple have nothing different from the others. They contacted us , received all the information and signed the contract in very short period of time. It was their first IVF attempt , which was successful. Twin boys were born and like the post beneath parents we are updating the blog […]

Triplets via help of New Life Georgia!

New Life Georgia is glad to share the photo of triplets born via help of us. Due to the request of our successful parents we do not publish their Citizenship or program details. Mention only the fact that as many other couples they were also successful with us on their first attempt. Wish all the […]

French successful Parents!

New Life Georgia is delighted to share the photo of our successful French couple. Like some other couples they were unsuccessful and moreover disappointed on their first attempt which led them to start looking for some other options. We helped them to understand that first failure is not necessarily linked to poor performance of the […]