Beautiful Twins Delivered to a Canadian Couple

Beautiful Twins Delivered to a Canadian Couple


After having endured disappointment despite 20 years of costly and unsuccessful fertility treatments, this couple from Canada thought of taking another shot. They turned to surrogacy, and applied for a program in Ukraine. Alas, this was not to be, and even this attempt had turned them down. Surrogacy, in itself being a matter of chance, requires that an expert perform it to be able to increase the chances of pregnancy. After such repeated dejections, the couple found itself too down and depressed, and they abandoned all hopes of ever being able to have a family complete with kids, as they had always dreamed of.

However, we at New Life are always looking out to help such dejected couples. Mariam Kukunashvili, the Director of New Life appeared in the couple’s life at just the right time. She having herself gone through a similar situation in her own life, could understand what they were going through, and assured them that it was too early to give up. After a long discussion, the couple decided to give it one last shot, and trusted Mariam to fulfil their dreams. The couple had approached New Life Georgia with great expectations, and we are more than proud to say that they were completely met. We were able to deliver not one, but two children to the couple, via our Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) program. The twins truly have brightened up the life of the couple, and having faced such a long streak of disappointments, the joy on their faces is what we consider our greatest reward. We wish them everlasting happiness and joy in the future, and hope that we shall encounter many such couples who need our help.