I would, and do, give the agency my strongest endorsement and recommendation. In fact, I have recommended Mariam and her colleaguesto family, and to several of our close friends. Here is a bit of the “why” and “how” I came to a positive evaluationof her and the agency. First, in working with them I found the clinic focused and efficient. Communications were clear and timely. When Mariam was going to be outof the office for even a few days she thoughtfully provided me aninterim contact at the agency. She has been available to speak notonly over email (which the clinic unfortunately restricted itselftoo), but also by phone and Skype which I appreciated. Second, Mariam’s agency seems to be a good size for clients — largeenough to have a choice of egg donors, but not so large that it ishard to reach someone. Third, I found them helpful in trying to achieve our goal, not justfinding an egg donor but starting our family. In our case, we werehoping to start sooner than later. Mariam explored several options totry and get our donor to our clinic even before the next planned tripfrom Georgia to that clinic. While only a few months, that meant a lotto us. Also, she stayed in contact after embryo creation, which weappreciated. Fourth, I appreciated that Mariam has a medical background herself.This was useful in providing an additional source of information tous, in addition to our clinic physicians. Fifth, I felt the agency struck a nice balance of sentiment and taskfocus and efficiency. We had explored adoption in the US. I found theUS agency social workers a bit too sentimental — stalks flying in andout on their websites, baby music, discussion of one’s “journey intothe future”. I found Mariam and her colleagues friendly, sympatheticand understanding that this is an emotional journey, but not overlyemotional – they were focused on the process, and the goal, whilere membering the human side, too, which I appreciated. With regard to the logistics, the fees were exactly as we were told toexpect, and what was outlined in the contract. There were no surprisesat all. We had two egg donors with the agency. Our first donor we hadrecruited knowing she was older, for several reasons we wanted to tryher in particular (very strong fit with my family features, etc – mypartner is the biological father). We did not have a particularlyproductive cycle but again, we knew she was older for an egg donor.For our second donor, we expressly chose a younger donor. We had awonderful outcome — 22 embryos — 15 Grade A and 7 Grade B. In sum, and to your questions, there were no hiccups at all due to theagency. They were through, efficient, and filled theirresponsibilities well, conscientiously and considerately. I hope I have helped give a sense of our experiences, and provided youthe specific information – if there is anything I neglected to speakto you would like to know, don’t hesitate to get back in tough.
Regards, and again best wishes with your family
T. P – USA