Mariam Kukunashvili got Mother of Triples!!
BackInfertility is one of the most heartbreaking problems couples ever face, and often leads to strain and anger on both sides. This is a problem that is absolutely unpredictable, and is very difficult to cure. It requires a lot of courage and emotional investment to come out of the stress and depression that accompanies it. What is important is that it is most definitely not the end of the world, and there are other ways by the grace of science and technology for a couple to have a baby. As a result of numerous developments in this field, we now possess methods to induce pregnancy such as in vitro fertilization, surrogacy etc. However, they require an experienced and practiced hand, and are unsafe if not done properly. It therefore pays to do your research and find someone who has both the knowledge and the expertise to perform the procedure properly.
Mariam Kukunashvili, Founder of Healthcare Agency International, New Life Network, understands well the heartache and disappointment that accompanies repeated failed attempts at conception. She herself was emotionally drained after 11 unsuccessful IVF attempts, suffering from endometriosis and 4 surgeries, then one successful but ectopic pregnancy. Finally she turned to surrogacy and together with her caring husband, in February she celebrated the birth of twin boys and a girl. She is genuinely grateful to her two wonderful surrogate mothers who made her dream come true. It is a truly wonderful feeling to be able to welcome a child into the world, and when you’ve faced disappointment as many times as she has, the joy that comes with a baby is indescribable. And she got three!