Let us welcome our new Agent at New Life Mexico…

Let us welcome our new Agent at New Life Mexico…



New Life Global is more than pleased to announce the entry of a new member on the Mexican team. This new agent is a valuable addition to the expansion of the team. Stephanie, the new recruit will help in identifying potential egg donors and semen donors and increase the number of people willing to help. It is her responsibility to check on the fitness, healthiness etc. of the donor. You can go ahead and look at the database for profiles of surrogates if you are thinking of opting for a surrogate baby.

New Life Global heartily welcomes Stephanie. So, what is it that she is going to do exactly? All egg donors have to go through a background check. It is also necessary to see to it that they are free from any kind of hereditary or incurable ailments. Other than that, it is necessary to check the quality of the egg or sperm and determine whether it can produce healthy babies or not. For, otherwise, there will be no point in donating. This is where Stephanie comes into picture. She shall look into all of these things before giving a clean chit to the donor who can then go ahead and help an unfortunate pair of parents.

After all, becoming a surrogate mother is no cakewalk. It requires a lot of effort on an emotional, mental and physical level to give away something so dear to oneself. Yet, there is no dearth of selfless people.