We Celebrate Surrogate Mother’s birthdays!!


Pregnancy is a time of extreme transformations, both physical and emotional. A pregnant woman undergoes several changes during pregnancy, and her body and mind are stretched to their limits while protecting the little one growing inside her. They get extremely emotional without knowing a real reason, and get strange cravings that they feel a dire need to satisfy. This is a time when women require tenderness, warmth and love from people around them, more so than ever. This is a time when all her needs must be looked out for and she must be kept happy, satiated and content. It is important to do so, because it has a significant influence on the right development of the baby before and after birth.

That is one of the reasons why we pay special attention to looking after and monitoring surrogate mothers, who allow a baby to grow inside them and feed and protect it. Healthcare Agency International New Life Georgia makes sure that the surrogate mothers are well looked after and don’t lack for anything. From 2011 we have also implemented a special tradition to celebrate the birthdays of our surrogate mothers in order to show them that their courage and dedication is highly appreciated. We realize that these mothers are providing an invaluable service to the people to whom they are giving the priceless gift of a child, and therefore, we make sure that their endurance and suffering in the 9 months of pregnancy are not for nought, and that we are grateful to them for making the world a brighter place by introducing a child in it. Their reactions and thankfulness make us feel how little things can mean a lot.