They are not just the best parents from Albania but also the happiest. They have two wonderful baby boys to look after now. The lucky couple had positive HCG results in the first attempt itself. The news was given out to them 9 months back and they were more than happy to be the recipient of such news. They have been waiting for the good news of the birth ever since and are more than glad to finally have received it. The happiness of this couple is definitely beyond words. After all, they have been waiting for this moment since forever.
New Life Global congratulates them and wishes them a happy life ahead of them. At New Life, we love spreading love and joy around us. Of course, it takes a lot of work and technicalities but the final results are well worth it all. Egg Donation Surgery is no mean task and there is an extremely complicated procedure behind it all. The results though are the best part.
Moreover, apart from the emotional satisfaction that the egg donation mother goes through, she is also compensated heavily for her loss. Yes, there are risks involved here too but one can only hope.
At the end of the day, the world rests on hope and it helps to stay positive. Moreover, more often than not, this process works wonders for those parents who haven’t been gifted. The parents for obvious reasons are indebted to the egg donor for the rest of their lives.